Sunday, May 1, 2016

Field Trip Must Have!

My daughter and I just returned from an overnight Girl Scout camping trip.  We had a lot of fun and can't stop singing camp songs "Bubble gum, Bazooka, zooka, bubble gum"!  It was a little soggy and muddy at camp, it has been pouring rain here for the last week.  Luckily, the rain decided to stay away while we were there. But... I am not looking forward to cleaning our four pairs of muddy shoes!

I got this nifty organizer in the Target Dollar Spot ($3 item) to take to camp, and it dawned on me while I was walking around how GREAT it would be for field trips!  First, it is waterproof. (The main reason I bought it!)  It is a great size, easily holds 8 1/2" by 11" papers.  It is made from heavy duty plastic, and I think it is super cute too (I love everything in the Dollar Spot)!

I love how one side has a completely clear pocket, perfect for holding a schedule, class list, etc.  It also holds A LOT! Here is what I had inside: all of my camp schedules and paper work (at least 10 pages), the girls' badges they earned, a small first-aid kit, cough drops, a sharpie, small tissue packs, chap stick, a small germ gel, my cell phone, and medicine boxes.  It all fit in easily!  It had a wrist strap, but that broke off after a while. It was still easy to tuck under my arm and carry around.

I was thinking about how many of these same things I would be carrying around in a bag for a field trip.  I love how a field trip schedule would be easy to see on the clear side.  I would also add a whistle, some band-aids, a small pack of baby wipes, and name tags.  What else would you add?

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